molly demellier finds
Molly Demellier participated in Queens Nyc Half Marathon 10k 5k 2023 July 23 With Stats with a time of 01:45:23 in a Half Marathon
Age is 30 Club is Contest is Half Marathon Custom is #233C80 Finish is 2023-07-23T13:47:35.819Z Firstname is Molly Id is 73 Lastname is DeMellier Nationality is USA RaceNr is 73 Sex is f Start is 2023-07-23T12:02:12.11Z Status is Summary-1-END-LAP1-3.27-pace is 7.5 min/mile Summary-1-END-LAP1-3.27-ratio is 0.9 (ratio should be >1 and <1.1 at halfway to negative split) Summary-2-END-LAP2-6.54-pace is 7.8 min/mile Summary-2-END-LAP2-6.54-ratio is 1.0 (ratio should be >1 and <1.1 at halfway to negative split) Summary-3-END-LAP3-9.81-pace is 7.9 min/mile Summary-3-END-LAP3-9.81-ratio is 1.0 (ratio should be >1 and <1.1 at halfway to negative split) Summary-4-on-finish-chute-13.08-pace is 8.0 min/mile Summary-4-on-finish-chute-13.08-ratio is 1.0 (ratio should be >1 and <1.1 at halfway to negative split) Summary-5-FINISH-13.1-pace is 8.1 min/mile Summary-5-FINISH-13.1-ratio is 1.0 (ratio should be >1 and <1.1 at halfway to negative split) Transponder1 is 73 Transponder2 is Visibility is public eventid is queens-nyc-half-marathon-10k-5k-2023-july-23-with-stats photo_offset is 6452.819 searchkey is molly-demellier timestamp is 2023-07-23T13:47:35.819Z
Molly Demellier participated in Queens Nyc Half Marathon 10k 5k 2023 July 23 with a time of 01:45:23 in a Half Marathon
Age is 30 Contest is Half Marathon Custom is #233C80 Finish is 2023-07-23T13:47:35.819000+00:00 Firstname is Molly Id is 73 Lastname is DeMellier Nationality is USA RaceNr is 73 Sex is f Start is 2023-07-23T12:02:12.110000+00:00 Transponder1 is 73 Visibility is public eventid is queens-nyc-half-marathon-10k-5k-2023-july-23 photo_offset is 6452.819 searchkey is molly-demellier timestamp is 2023-07-23T13:47:35.819000+00:00